Covid-19 Screening Tool

You have reached the COVID-19 Screening Tool.

In order to determine if you should contact Health Links – Info Santé (toll-free at 8-1-1) or seek other medical advice, you will be asked to respond to a few questions below.

Please note:

Public health officials are strongly advising all BC residents, including health-care providers, to cancel or postpone any non-essential travel. In addition, public health officials are recommending all returning travelers, including those who have travelled within Canada, self-isolate and self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days after returning to BC.

Public health officials also strongly urge anyone who has cold or flu-like symptoms, such as a cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, weakness or headache, to self-isolate for 14 days.

Social distancing is used to intentionally reduce close contact between people to try to stop the progression of community transmission of any virus. Social distancing strategies for all BC residents include:

  • Cancelling or postponing any large-scale events with more than 10 attendees;
  • Minimizing prolonged (more than 10 minutes), close (less than two metres) contact between other individuals in public;
  • Avoiding greetings that involve touching such as handshakes;
  • Disinfecting frequently used surfaces;
  • Following public health advice related to self-monitoring and self-isolation if you have travelled or have been exposed to someone ill with the virus; and
  • Considering avoiding travel, crowded places and events, especially if you are at higher risk.

We remind you to protect yourself while out in public. Please wash your hands frequently, and maintain a distance of about 2 metres from others.

For the most up-to-date, factual, information on COVID-19 please visit

COVID-19 Screening Tool

Please note that this is not a medical assessment. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, seek medical attention or call 911. This service is not a substitute for consulting with your doctor.

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