Laser Dentistry Near You
Advanced technology, has made dental procedures more effective and efficient than ever before. Laser dentistry is one of the newest advances in dental technology and has numerous health and aesthetic benefits. Laser dentistry near you is highly desirable for a number of procedures.

How is Laser Dentistry Near You Used?
Detecting Cavities: One of the many purposes of laser dentistry is to find cavities. When your dentist uses laser dentistry, they can predict the early onset of tooth decay and cavities. This allows you to allocate more time to specific areas to slow down their progression.
Dental Fillings: Dental fillings can now be successfully conducted without anesthetic or drills thanks to laser dentistry in Yaletown Vancouver, BC V6B 3E6.
Sensitive Teeth: Your dentist can eliminate tooth sensitivity through laser dentistry. This closes off the tubules located on the root of your teeth that can cause a variety of sensitivity issues.
Gum Reshaping: Laser dentistry near you can be used to reshape your gums and improve the appearance of your smile.
Cold Sores: The pain associated with cold sores can be reduced through low intensity laser, which can also promote healing.
Various Other Treatments: Lengthen your teeth, help your baby with oral muscle challenges, ensure your dentures fit properly, remove benign tumours and whiten your teeth all with laser dentistry near you!
The Process
There are different types of dental lasers to treat certain conditions. Each laser uses a different wavelength of light, which determines its best use. Your dentist will determine which type of laser is best for your treatment based on a thorough examination and X-ray.
Since the laser beam is extremely bright, your Vancovuer dentist will provide you with a special kind of glasses to protect your eyes. Your dentist will direct the beam to the affected area, dissolve the soft tissue, whiten the teeth, or harden the filling. If you are interested in laser dentistry in downtown Yaletown Vancouver, contact us today to schedule a consultation!
Lasers are changing the world of dentistry and are now used to improve many dental procedures and their outcomes. Speak with your dentist today about laser dentistry near you. We offer laser dentistry in Yaletown Vancouver, BC V6B 3E6.